“Nibiru” = Nemesis / Cleveland UFOs

The Nibiru Myth gets another reboot from scientists:

AN invisible star responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs may be circling the Sun and causing comets to bombard the Earth, scientists said.

Now NASA scientists believe they will be able to find Nemesis using a new heat-seeking telescope that began scanning the skies in January.

The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer – expected to find a thousand brown dwarf stars within 25 light years of the Sun – has already sent back a photo of a comet possibly dislodged from the Oort Cloud.

Scientists’ first clue to the existence of Nemesis was the bizarre orbit of a dwarf planet called Sedna. Scientists believe its unusual, 12,000-year-long oval orbit could be explained by a massive celestial body.

Mike Brown, who discovered Sedna in 2003, said: “Sedna is a very odd object – it shouldn’t be there.

The only way to get on an eccentric orbit is to have some giant body kick you – so what is out there?”

Professor John Matese, of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, said most comets come from the same part of the Oort Cloud.

He added: “There is statistically significant evidence that this concentration of comets could be caused by a companion to the Sun.”

I think until we actually send a probe to “Nemesis”, all this news will do is fuel the fire of Niribu, End Times and 2012.

But it does make you wonder how the Sumerians knew about these outer planets 5,000 years ago.

Invisible star ‘shooting comets at Earth’

It’s been quite a while since mainstream media has said anything serious about UFOs. Usually the corporate media has nothing but derision concerning the subject.

However since the appearance of UFOs over Lake Erie near the city of Cleveland have UFOs once again in the mainstream ken:


I was kind of impressed MSNBC interviewed Nick Pope. But being a former UK Minister of Defense does help the credibility factor somewhat.

The Cleveland UFO: What on Earth?

4 responses

  1. hi…sir,I have recently published a post on the extinction of dino, but it was not related to any kind of absurd nibiru myths. it would be great achievement if nemesis could detect it.: have a nice day :/?

  2. I just got done reading about this brown dwarf business. If it does exist, I’m not surprised. However, making the leap from ‘just a star’ to ‘Nibiru’ would undoubtedly follow shortly thereafter, among the Annunaki hardliners.

  3. What? How could you leave out our future collision with Gliese 710? http://www.popsci.com/category/tags/gliese-710

    What will you be doing in 1.5 million years?

  4. I’ll probably still be picking on Jeff Peckman. How about you?

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