Paddling Against the Meme-Stream



According to conventional cosmological theories, black holes are formed when a star with a mass approximately five times that of our sun uses up its thermonuclear fuel and collapses under the force of its own gravity. Because the equations that describe gravity can be manipulated in irrational ways, some solutions imply that such a large star can contract into a zero volume containing infinite inertial mass. Astrophysicists have contended for years that black holes are real and that their effects can be observed, although they are invisible to detection.


The research team’s observations are of Doppler-shifted Fraunhofer lines in the spectrum of J0927. Due to “red-shift equals distance and speed” calculations, the “accretion disk” of matter surrounding the black hole is said to be moving at 2650 kilometers per second. The acceleration is presumed to be from the “recoil” of two black holes colliding, causing them to rebound and fly out of their parent galaxy as a single, supermassive combination of the two.

In previous Picture of the Day articles, we have taken issue with the very idea of black holes and the indirect “evidence” for them that has been presented by the scientific community. Any substance with a “multimillion-degree” temperature is not a gas but is ionized plasma. What the Max Planck scientists fail to realize is that the x-rays they are seeing is synchrotron radiation and not the incandescent glow of hot gas. The x-rays (and the gamma rays and ultraviolet light) are due to electrons spiraling along helical magnetic fields.

The Electric Universe Theory runs counter to the accepted “gravity run” universe theories that are mainstream and I have to say their arguments are very compelling.

A Sea of Holes



It looks like Shostak’s “vision” of space exploration is going to be the consensus reality here, unless people get a serious wake-up call:

Swooping in over Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars, you see lava flows and the Pangboche Crater. Opening your traveler’s guide, you find that Olympus Mons is not only the highest mountain on Mars, but the largest volcanic cone in the whole solar system. You hover briefly over the crater and then zoom in on Guzev, where the cute little Mars Explorer Rover (MER) Spirit is busily taking pictures of the very red, desert-like landscape. Yes, little Spirit is still alive!

Is this the “Red Mars” of 2061 from science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson’s famous Mars Trilogy? Where thousands of Earth colonists from completing political and religious groups attempt to implement their visions of utopia? Where megacorporations invest heavily in terraforming and mining, using an orbital space elevator to shuffle settlers out of low orbit to the Martian surface from a resource-depleted, overpopulated, hothouse Earth?

Well, no, not exactly. You can travel to Olympus Mons or Vallis Marineris (the Grand Canyon of Mars) today – from the comfort of your home PC or Macintosh computer using the latest free Google Earth software. Don your 3D gasses and view the latest anaglyph images of Mars recently released by the HiRISE camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) or simply fly around where Phoenix, Beagle, and the MER rovers are exploring today.

The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter continues to send astonishing photos back to Earth. Although other Mars missions have taken 3D images, HiRISE is the most powerful camera to ever orbit another planet. It resolves features as small as one meter across – roughly the scale of a person. “I am very happy!” says principal investigator Alfred McEwen of the “sharp, clear and beautiful” images it produces. Another HiRISE team member says: “If you’re not jazzed by this, you’re not alive!”

Hoo-f*cking-ray, more virtual reality navel gazing. I can’t wait.

Maybe we are living in a Bostrum Simulation.

NASA and the Post-Capitalist Vision of Kim Stanely Robinson


Somewhere, Bob Heinlein is working for Richard Branson as head of R&D along with Burt Rutan designing moon landers for Branson’s Lunar Hotel business.

There would be none of this silliness going on.


One response

  1. […] Webeufobelievers added an interesting post on Paddling Against the Meme-StreamHere’s a small excerptThe x-rays (and the gamma rays and ultraviolet light) are due to electrons spiraling along helical magnetic fields. […]

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