Tinfoil Tuesday: Nibiru Nadda

It’s been a long time since I posted something about Nibiru. Mainly because there hasn’t been anything new to write about.

Now there’s still many folks who claim that Nibiru is coming and the end of the world is nigh in 2012, since Nibiru is going to have a close fly-by of the Earth at that date.

And because the ancient Mayans predicted the event with their long-count calendar. It happens to end at that time.

I’ll admit I was on the Nibiru train for a while and it fits in my interest with ancient astronauts.

But when there hasn’t been a telescopic sighting of the planet and even if the governments of the Earth are covering it up, there hasn’t been any gravitational influence of a large planetary body disturbing the planets of the Solar System and our planet.

You can’t hide the laws of physics.

So with that little tidbit, I’ll offer up this post from The Interstellar Housewife, who also is a little disappointed with Nibiru:

Back in 2001-2003 when everyone was screaming about Nibiru, I was caught up in the new Mars photos of the Cydonea region, waiting to see if that damn mound was a friggin’ face or not. It wasn’t, in the end (though Hoagland certainly stood his ground for a bit).

Outwardly, these seemed like two fairly separate camps — Camp A. being those people in to new martian photos and hopeful of data showing traces of microbial life, if not photos of some extinct civilization and Camp B

Oh, it wasn’t a natural connection, to be sure. It required a bit of — um, leniency. And manipulation. Personally, I never bought into half of the stuff flying around at the time. I did entertain the Nibiru idea, briefly, because some of it seemed plausible enough – but only up until the part were it was a hollow planet that played home-world to a race of beings called the Annunaki, who just could not get enough gold!

The other part I didn’t buy was the prophesied impact date of 2003 — for one, because IT WASN’T IN THE MOTHERLUVIN’ SKY. And I’m pretty sure something that big would have been very visible in the years just prior to ’03.

This wasn’t the first time these kinds of idea poked about. In fact, these are mostly old ideas. But a resurgence surfaced sometime after Y2K, and names that had not been uttered in many moons were suddenly all the rage – particularly Sitchin and Von Daniken. The theories were interesting, admittedly, but it was just a bit much for me. It did, however, appear to over-saturate the online UFO community and after a while, my bullshit alarm was going off left and right with each new addition to an increasingly bloated theory.

So, I ducked out. I just walked away from that whole scene and buried those interests in the back of my mind, next to that copy of Redbook with Molly Ringwald on the cover that I can never seem to find in the labyrinth of boxes that is my basement.

When I’d had about enough of my self-imposed exile, I didn’t expect to find the same arguments going on, half a decade after Nibiru didn’t show up (and if you say it’s coming in 2012, I swear I’m going to stab myself in the face). But what was more crazy was that it was seeping into the mainstream, foaming up around the edges — and what was once a theory slapped together with odd-shaped pieces and a whole lot of imagination, was now a kind of religion.

And as I said, I entertained the idea for a brief time, to imagine what it all might have been like back in the day if it were true, but I eventually let it go. I’m not anti-ancient astronauts or anything. I think it’s certainly something to think about, and just as good as any creation theory floating around in the minds of mortals — I just find common interpretations of it sorta sketchy.

If the whole basic concept happens to be true, I feel safe in saying that its probably quite a bit different from what individuals like Sitchin claim. People (and especially authors) tend to inject their wants and needs into a subject they feel passionately about and Zacharia was no exception. In reading The Twelfth Planet, I noticed very quickly that he leads the reader a bit too much in his own personal direction, with definitive statements about what it is we are seeing on ancient stone tablets (I think he even claimed one tablet was obviously a depiction of a laser — really??).

Personally, I think a lot of those mysterious etchings and whatnot, do look like flying vehicles. They strike me as exceptionally odd, interesting and spectacular. Am I ready to say they are definitely otherworldly vehicles? No.

I mean, how do you prove something like that, anyway? We can’t even prove current extra-terrestrial visitation, let alone biblical stories — so what kind of chance does something like this stand? To the individual buying that bag of magic beans, it probably shouldn’t matter. I have a lot of beliefs that would cause even the sketchiest UFO zombie to go into permanent shock, but I can’t and won’t even attempt to prove any of them or direct someone else to believe as i do.

And this is my issue with people like Bob Dean, Hoagland (well, Hoagland for myriad reasons), and about 30 billion others. These voices present their opinions with an authority they don’t really have. Big deal right? Well sure, but what about the people who are just walking into this and hear these ‘gurus’ throwing around mysterious credentials and super-secret insider information (*cough*Wilcock*cough*). Some of these guys really sound good if you’re not privy to their backgrounds or if you don’t look close enough.

I hate to drop the evidence-bomb on you, but since this post is relatively F-Bomb free, I’m going to — and I will even paraphrase Sagan, to boot! If you’re going to make extraordinary claims, you better have some extraordinary evidence. Otherwise I’m going to sound like a broken record asking “well, how do you know?” “Well, how do you know?” “Well, how do you know?”…

Well? How do you?

Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, I’m not disputing evidence for UFOs. I feel there is evidence. — and some fabulous testimonial from exceptionally credible individuals. I just don’t think there is enoughany UFOs are extra terrestrial. Of course, I believe that some probably are. That’s a personal opinion, and a lot less iron-fisty than me saying “Extra terrestrials are definitely here and they really love gold!”

If there was ever any question if I was a Starchild, it should be made clear that I find gold tacky. I’m more a sterling silver kind of gal. And yes, I’m being an ass.

In closing, ancient Sumerian text is probably best understood by ancient Sumerians. Yes, we can learn a lot from them, but translations, in general, have never been perfect, even between our common known languages — so, claims of an accurate translation of meanings and symbols without allowing much margin for error, is a wee bit foolish. Think about the Bible translation disputes, for example. This is pretty much the same thing — and the bible is much younger than Sumerian tablets!

Ok, I’m off to find that Redbook!

Well, I don’t do Redbook thank fate, but my interests have taken a more mundane flavor lately.

Too bad about that Face on Mars!

Ancient Sumerian Secret, Huh?

8 responses

  1. well, I guess that crinkles the old tinfoil, and the people who can read the Mayan glyphs would agree…

    According to Dr. David Stuart,who became the first person to read the glyphs in their entirety, the 2012 date will be a non event.


    Wishing ya’ll a cool yule…G:

    1. *crinkle-crinkle*, oh sorry, heh. :mrgreen:

      You have a Happy Yule too Geez my friend.

  2. Oh, Redbook isn’t *that* bad!

    Actualy, Maybe it is. I think it’s the only copy of Redbook I’ve ever owned. Now that I think about it, the only magazine I have had a subscription to, was Keyboard Player.

    Ok, so if it was a picture of Molly Ringwald, on a bed of autumn leaves,caressing a Nord Lead 2 — *that* would be a magazine worth defending.

    1. Ok, so if it was a picture of Molly Ringwald, on a bed of autumn leaves,caressing a Nord Lead 2 — *that* would be a magazine worth defending.

      I’ll have to admit a picture of Molly Ringwald on leaves would be great (depends what she’s wearing, or not, heh), but a vintage Nord Lead 2 takes it to another level!

  3. I took pictures of the sun on almost every clear day from April up to August 27 when the object of interest disappeared behind the sun. I’m certain this was due to the Earths orbit. If I’m not mistaken I should be able to pick up where I left off. I’m nervous about what I might see sure. I don’t know what this is, but if it’s there next year I’m sure I’ll be a little more certain.

    I won’t be asking any experts

    Imagine Noah building his ark… I’m sure as he built that giant thing no one had ever seen the likes of, people laughed and debunked every explanation the man gave for why he was doing this right up till he sailed away.

    So interest in X is falling, isn’t there always calm in a storm? This might be a good time to be planing. So you’ve stored food, water and other essentials and that big day didn’t come. Atleast you are prepared and happy.

    Much better than the alternative.


    1. Even if Nibiru is behind the Sun now, we’d still be feeling the gravitational effects and the orbits of Jupiter and Mars would be thrown off.

      But having a stash is good for bad economic times, like now.

  4. And if we bring Noah into it, we may as well bring God into it. And in that case, you could argue that fate (God) would choose its survivors. If that is true, the rest of us have very little say in the matter.

    If Nibiru exists, and is as large as it is proposed to be (and if it is near), then Dad is right (wow, that sounded weird) we would probably be noticing the gravitational effects — not only here, on Earth, but within the solar system. Some argue (and have been arguing) that is what is happening with the climate and that the approach and passing of Nibiru would cause a pole-reversal.

    All of the assumptions that are inherent in those theories aside, we simply don’t have a whole lot to go on that tells us there is a concern. If we went around preparing for every devastating prediction or prophecy we found in a cave, we might not have advanced far enough to create the internet. Then where the Hell would I spout my BS?

    If all of this comes to pass, with Earth devastated, and me, dead as a door nail next to old Marley, I will gladly (and immediately) admit my folly.

    1. If all of this comes to pass, with Earth devastated, and me, dead as a door nail next to old Marley, I will gladly (and immediately) admit my folly.

      I whole-heartedly agree (that don’t sound so funny, LOL!).

      I’ll admit when I’m wrong though, no matter how late it is!

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