Daily Archives: January 12th, 2008

Hoagland’s “Dark Mission”

Richard C. Hoagland of “The Face on Mars” fame and Michael Bara have teamed up to co-author a book titled “Dark Mission – The Secret History of NASA”. In it, a former employee of that agency “blew the whistle” and made claims of a second “secret space program” that has run along side of the “public” one people have known for fifty years. The employee during the lunar missions was an archivist for the photos that were taken during that time. Some were for public viewing. Others needed a little “brushing up” if you know what I mean. The rest were stored unaltered and long forgotten.

A couple of years ago, NASA was literally cleaning out its drawers of old stuff it forgot it had and these photos showed up. The person, who was still the archivist, was told to destroy them. Well, either he had a guilty conscience, or at long last he found he had one. The photos weren’t destroyed. In fact, this person told NASA he was going public because he felt that they needed to know what all happened to all of the tax money they paid over the years. NASA canned his ass. Enter Hoagland and Bara. Hoagland is a known tinfoiler. I don’t know much about Bara, but if he’s teamed up with Hoagie, he’s sure to make some dough.

Hoagland was a scientist in his own right years ago. Then ‘The Face on Mars’ thing made him a celebrity. The main stream vilifies him, conspiracy theorists love him. And recent photos from the Mars Global Surveyor hasn’t been his friend either. The “Face” disappeared after some real clear digital close-ups.

Of course, claims are made that the Face is really there, only air-brushed, or eroded out.

Being the Fortean I am, not only do I question current mainstream dogma, I question Hoagland and Bara’s creds as well. Is this for real? Is NASA just window dressing for the ‘real’ space program that is run by the military (which is years in advance of the official version)? Or is Hoagland and Bara going for a Paycheck?

Here is a series of YouTube videos (sans video) with Hoagland as a guest on George Noory’s Coast to Coast radio program. Listen and make your own mind up as I urge my readers and commenters to do often. You lurkers do the same.

Oh yeah, Michael Bara has a blog about his and Hoagland’s joint venture. Click there for updates concerning it.

Dark Mission: Hoagland Pt.1


Dark Mission: Hoagland Pt.2


Dark Mission: Hoagland Pt.3