Daily Archives: January 29th, 2008

Did Islamic scientists discover evolutionary theory before Darwin?

From Telegraph.co.uk:

Next year, we will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, and the 150th of the publication of his On The Origin of Species, which revolutionised our understanding of biology.


But what if Darwin was beaten to the punch? Approximately 1,000 years before the British naturalist published his theory of evolution, a scientist working in Baghdad was thinking along similar lines.


For 700 years, the international language of science was Arabic

In the Book of Animals, abu Uthman al-Jahith (781-869), an intellectual of East African descent, was the first to speculate on the influence of the environment on species. He wrote: “Animals engage in a struggle for existence; for resources, to avoid being eaten and to breed. Environmental factors influence organisms to develop new characteristics to ensure survival, thus transforming into new species. Animals that survive to breed can pass on their successful characteristics to offspring.”

There is no doubt that it qualifies as a theory of natural selection – even though the Book of Animals appears to have been based to a large extent on folklore rather than on zoological fact.

Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, Islamic nations have been embroiled in civil wars, exploited by Western nations, become havens for criminals, terrorists, become a whipping boy for “The Clash of Cultures” and ruled by opportunistic, despotic rulers who could really give a crap about their own people. Not to mention the current unforgivable genocide that is happening in the old center of learning in the Muslim world, Baghdad.

The current Muslim leadership don’t help their cause by vilifying science, failing to adapt to the timeline in which they live and enforcing extreme Shariah Laws that “abuse” women in the world’s perception. So it’s easy to forget that the Baghdad Abbasid Empire during Western Europe’s Dark Age was a guardian of Greek / Roman science and a mighty intellectual center.

Maybe if the people of Islam brushed up on their history a bit, the NWO elite wouldn’t be able to fool and use them quite so handily.

Asteroid TU24 and the NWO

Today the asteroid TU24 has its closest approach to Earth,  which is 334,000 miles. Tomorrow, Mars has a close encounter with its own asteroid (link). What are the chances of two planets that are very important to the human race have a potential risk to its existence in such close proximity?

Much tinfoil and conspiracy theory has been spun concerning these events, but in fact, these events might be common (link). We’re just more aware of them now because we have good evidence that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs (link) and we’re not too keen about the same thing happening to us. Except for the politicians, who obviously think that ignoring the problem ( or are they? ) will make it go away. Probably because they already have safe havens underground to save theirs’ and their families hides in case of an Extinction Level Event (link). If it weren’t for college astronomers, we would know next to nothing about this (link).

So what’s my rant? My beef is that serious asteroid detection is purposely underfunded (link) in order to feed the voracious military-industrial-congressional-complex that provide the politicos with lucre and other goodies. I could go into the nuclear shell game (link) currently being played by these traitorous assholes, but that isn’t what this post is about.

Believe me when I say that the NWO has its bases covered more ways than Sunday!

tu24-20080125_sml.jpg picture by petebkr

Part of an animation showing the possible paths of asteroid 2007 WD5

Possible paths of WD5: Mars