Daily Archives: January 19th, 2008

Project Camelot Interviews Richard C. Hoagland

Richard C. Hoagland probably doesn’t need much in the way of introduction to my regular audience. And to the mainstream crowd either, unless they happened to have made their home underneath a large rock for the past thirty years. His Face on Mars and Cydonian Pyramid City Complex theories have made him a villain, charlatan, nutcase, conspiracy theorist and conman to some (these are the nice terms from his detractors!) to an heroic anti-government/cover-up warrior to the alternative crowd.

In this instance however, it isn’t Mars that is the theme, but the history of NASA and the Apollo Moon Project that draws his attention. Along with Michael Bara, they have authored Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA. In it, Hoagland and Bara contend that NASA is really a military organization instead of a civilian one, the astronauts that went to the Moon have been “hypnotized” so that they wouldn’t remember seeing artificial structures, the “second” space program, ancient interplanetary civilization remnants, etc., I could go on.

Dark Mission has been on the New York Times Best Seller List since it came out supposedly and proves that everybody loves a good conspiracy theory book, whether the claims are legit or not. Notice that JFK assassination books still sell? I rest my case.

Project Camelot is a “whistle-blower” website run by Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy that specializes in the paranormal, UFO themes and are explored via interviews through former or current government people who wish to explain about the above. I find the interviews fascinating, but interviewees who otherwise would seem credible at times, often go off on a tangent and talk about reincarnation, angels, demons and other metaphysical manifestations that seem to render their “revelations” irrelevant.

But that’s why they call it “alternative” knowledge, right?

Hoagland Pt. 1


Hoagland Pt. 2

Hoagland Pt. 3