Daily Archives: December 2nd, 2007

Congressional Vigilantes

From TruthNews.us :

“The view that 9/11 has “changed everything” is unfortunately all too true. It has unleashed American paranoia, institutionalized mistrust of foreigners, and created a fantasy universe in which a US beset by enemies must do anything and everything to counter the alien threat. If it were a sane world, it would be difficult to imagine why anyone would believe that a Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act is even necessary. The United States has spent hundreds of billions of dollars in strengthening law enforcement and intelligence capabilities against terrorists and has every tool imaginable to investigate and make arrests. It has created a whole new bloated and dysfunctional branch of government in the Department of Homeland Security. What is not needed is groups of congressionally empowered vigilantes roaming the country at will looking for “homegrown terrorism”

This act will truly spell the end of the American Republic and announce to the whole world the American Federal Empire is in fact a reality.

The Act states; “…the United States will soon have to deal with home grown terrorists and that something must be done to anticipate and neutralize the problem. The act deals with the issue through the creation of a congressional commission that will be empowered to hold hearings, conduct investigations, and designate various groups as “homegrown terrorists.” The commission will be tasked to propose new legislation that will enable the government to take punitive action against both the groups and the individuals who are affiliated with them.”

The Act was proposed by Democrat Jane Harmon of California and passed in the House October 24th by the votes of 405 to 6. That’s quite the landslide. And guess who gets to approve it next? Joe”mentum” Lieberman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. How convenient. Then the bill gets final Senate approval. It might even be approved by now.

The result will be a roving band of congressional commission members traveling across the country, at tax-payer expense of course, determining what groups are terrorists, or who isn’t. Great. Of course there’s no oversight committee assigned to track these people, so if you piss the government off at any time in the future, the committee puts you into the “homegrown terrorist” category. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

This is the modern version of the Spanish Inquisition, which really wasn’t a religious pogrom, but a political one (but the Catholic Church wholeheartedly supported the effort because it targeted Muslims and Jews). Again, history repeats itself because the targets are primarily, you guessed it, Muslims. But anyone who gets in the way will find themselves in one of the 39 Halliburton camps or any of the 130 underground facilities out West. Nobody will be left out.

Somewhere in a hellish parallel universe Mussolini is chuckling to himself.