Daily Archives: December 28th, 2007

Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, J-Rods, Tall Grays, Short Grays and Nordics; The Other Side of the Fermi Paradox?

Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, UAFs, UFOs, USOs and other alphabet soup acronyms when been in our language lexicon for almost a century. Of course these didn’t become popular until after WWII, especially after Roswell, the birth place of the modern UFO movement that almost equals Bethlahem in relation to Christianity.

Many stories, fables, conspiracy theories, lies, disinformation and disclosures have been spewed forth for over sixty years by various individuals. Most of these have proved to be outright frauds and charlatans. Some have the appearance of credibility, but after further examination, their stories fall apart. But most of these have a few memes in common:

  1. There is a massive underground system composed of bases and compounds. These facilities contain labs, work shops for reverse engineering and secure “rooms” for the “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” or EBEs for short.
  2. In relation to number one, these bases were constructed toward the end of the Truman Administration under the auspices of the “Majestic Twelve” document supposedly signed by “The Buck stops Here” guy himself.
  3. As the Eisenhower Administration took power, the remains and the one survivor of the Roswell crash along with saucer remains was taken to these facilities. Using the lone survivor, communication was established with it’s “government”.
  4. A meeting between Eisenhower and “three ET races” at a desert sight in the South western U.S. took place in 1954. Here things get fuzzy. The number of the ET races number from three to seven. Sometimes a “reptilian” race gets included. I noticed there seems to be a consistent theme here; the races are all humanoid and at least three types of humanoid are always mentioned:
  5. Tall “Nordic” types with large eyes. I’m assuming by Nordic they mean some derivative of Caucasian people.
  6. Tall “Grays”. The classic kidnappers.
  7. Short “grays”. Thought to be the kidnapper’s assistants.

A treaty signed between these “aliens” and Eisenhower was called the ‘T-9’, or TAU-9. The nine being items that the entities could or could not do. One of which of course was the number of people allowed to be kidnapped for biological sampling.

So what were we, or rather the nascent military-industrial-congressional-complex to get in return? Advanced military, or technology that could be adapted for military use of course. According to some people, our superior stealth and bullet-proofing technology can be attributed to retro-engineering “alien” technology.

So where is all of this information coming from? Surely if the U.S. government, and other world governments have been in contact with “EBEs”, there must be some kind of paper trail. Plus there’s been the bevy of sightings and abductions over the years.

Doesn’t this fly in the face of the Fermi Paradox that “where is everybody” if we’re already in contact with “aliens”?

Mainstream scientific community experts and skeptics scoff at all of the “evidence” that is given to prove that aliens are already here and dealing with us. And they are right to do so in my view. Given the common denominators between all of the “eyewitness” testimonies and the heavily redacted Freedom of Information Act paperwork that’s been released, one can only conclude that the evidence is circumstantial at best, disinformation at worse. And it’s a known fact that the CIA loved to spread disinformation concerning “black” projects at Groom Lake, aka Area 51.

I forgot to mention about Project Looking Glass and Star Gate technology. These stand out from the standard antigravity and Tesla technologies because they aren’t mentioned quite as much, but are integral to the “alien” story.

Here are some of the players and other items of special notice:

  1. Dr. Dan Burisch/Crain. Very possibly a disinformation agent. Supposedly abducted at age nine in front of his grandfather and turned into a genius by a mental transferance from a dying boy. Makes very extravagent claims of personally knowing a short gray, or “J-Rod” as the creature is named. Sources say his credibility is crap.
  2. Dr. Steven Greer. Founded the Disclosure Project in 1993. Also claims to be a “contactee”.  Among his other claims is that SETI has actually confirmed “many” radio signals from other civilizations, but is now being jammed by the NSA, NRO or other government agencies colluding in a cover-up. Another person suffering in the credibility area.
  3. Dr. Michael Salla.  Founder of Exopolitics and the Exopolitics Institute. Probably for the obvious reasons, credibility challenged also.
  4. Bob Lazar.  Probably best known of the above. Worked at Area 51 and spilled the beans about reto-engineering UFO tech. Any guesses about his credibility?

There are more of course, but these guys I studied more. All of the commonalities are linked to them in some way and all could be NSA disinformation agents. Or they could be giving their own interpretation of what they saw supposedly.

Personally, I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth. Not until Klaatu lands on the White House lawn and gives his ultimatum or the technological singularity/rapture happens.

And I doubt either are likely to happen.

Also see:

Project Camelot, Jacques Vallee (more on him later), Stargate Links, Disclosure Project, MJ-12