The Case for the Planet Tiamat

I have posted some threads about ancient astronauts, gods, God and other legends concerning the beginnings of human civilization. Some sound real far-fetched and insane. But others have the air of credibility about them. Critics of these theories range from “deceit brought in by the Devil” to “there is just no evidence for the matter at all!” Well, I tell you what, I’m going to put this “evidence” out there and let you dear audience judge for yourselves whether I’ve been taking too much epilepsy medicine or not.

Author Zecharia Sitchen has written several books about the ancient Sumerians and their relationship with their gods. Their “gods” of course are ancient astronauts. One of the legends is of how the gods entered our world via their planet “Nibiru”. On the way into the inner Solar System, Nibiru came in close proximity to a planet called “Tiamat”. Now Tiamat happened to be where the asteroid belt is now. Needless to say that Tiamat ended up in a million pieces:

A “Tiamat” Discovered?

     According to Enuma Elish as interpreted by me, Sumerian cosmogony (or rather the Anunnaki who had told the Sumerians) held that our planetary system began with a messenger-planet near the Sun (”Mercury”) and a larger planet called Tiamat that orbited where the Asteroid Belt is now.  In the next phase, the two inner planets that we call Mars and Venus formed between Tiamat and the Sun; and after that, the outer planet formed in pairs; Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

     Drawn into the center of that early solar system, the invader Nibiru/Marduk was fated to collide with Tiamat.  One half of her was shattered and became the Asteroid Belt; the other more intact half was thrown into a new orbit and became the planet Earth.

     A week before the announcement by the U. Penn team (described above), a team of British, Australian and American astronomers announced the discovery of a solar system similar to ours in the constellation Puppis.  “There, in what is the closest resemblance to Earth’s solar system yet found in outer space, a Jupiter-like planet circles a sun-like star in an orbit that corresponds to one halfway between Mars and Jupiter in our own system.”

     The New York Times (7 July 2003) accompanied the report with a diagram showing the positions of the Sun, the Earth, Mars and Jupiter in our solar system, compared to a superimposed sketch of the newfound solar system with a planet, in a circular orbit, between Mars and Jupiter.

     Astronomers and reporters found the discovery exciting because the findings suggest that the solar system might also include “an Earthlike planet.”

     I find it exciting because, as my readers know, in our solar system, there indeed was a planet precisely between Mars and Jupiter: TIAMAT; and were it not for the collision, it would still be there.

     Once again, what the Sumerians learnt from the Anunnaki is proven right.

Now skeptics would say that, “Well, Niburu should’ve been destroyed also”. Believe it or not, I agree with that. And Sitchin fails to explain that. But I think what he was getting at was that the theory of planetary collision and the extreme age of some planets. That now is a proven fact according to astronomer Stein Sigurdsson in 2003:

Astronomers said Thursday the oldest and most distant planet yet found is a huge, gaseous sphere 13-billion years old and 5,600 light years away, a discovery that could change theories about when planets formed and when life could have evolved.

The planet, more than twice the size of Jupiter, orbits two stars, a pulsar and a white dwarf that linked together about a billion years ago. The system is in the constellation Scorpius within a globular cluster called M4 that contains stars that formed billions of years before the sun and its planets.

“All of the stars in this cluster are about the same age, so the presumption is that the planet is that age also,” Harvey Richer, an astronomer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, said Thursday at a NASA news conference.

Sitchen also theorized about planetary ejection from ancient solar systems, thus the possibility of a planet Nibiru entering our Solar System:

I asserted that the well known Sumerian /Akkadian Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish) has to be treated not as mythical allegory but as a sophisticated cosmogony; and that the challenger that appeared at the edge of our solar system, coming from outer space, was a planet ejected from another distant solar system.  This entailed recognition by the authors of the ancient text that there are other solar systems in the universe with their own planets – a notion held impossible by astronomers until a few years ago.  It entailed the notion that stars and their planetary systems could explode, ejecting a planet to journey in space – another revolutionary astronomical aspect only recently accepted; and it entailed the even more challenging idea, that life exists elsewhere in the universe and could have and did evolve ealier than on Earth.

A recent article in New Scientist speculated that chances are greater for life to have been seeded on Earth instead of forming here:

If you buy a lottery ticket this week, what are the odds that you’ll win the grand prize then get struck by lightning as you pop open the champagne? Vanishingly small, but still much higher than the odds that life on Earth first evolved on our planet, according to an ardent proponent of the notion that life came from space.

Chandra Wickramasinghe from Cardiff University, UK, has long argued the case for cometary panspermia, the idea that comets are infected with primitive life forms and delivered life to the early Earth. That would explain why life on Earth arose so quickly after our planet formed around 4.5 billion years ago.

Wickramasinghe says the case has been bolstered by NASA’s Deep Impact probe, which blasted Comet Tempel 1 with a projectile in July 2005. Scientists reported seeing clay particles spewing out from the interior.

Because clay needs liquid water to form, Wickramasinghe says that suggests comets once had warm, liquid interiors due to heating from radioactive isotopes. Clay is also a favoured catalyst for converting simple organic molecules into complex biopolymers on the early Earth.

Now, Wickramasinghe and his colleagues argue that the sheer volume of watery clay environments on comets makes them a far more likely site for the origin of life than our home planet.

Meaning that the ingredients for life can be flying all around space for millions and millions of years before landing on Earth and starting all of this mess.

The point is? The point is this recent discovery made by Rene Duffard of the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia in Grenada, Spain:

Two space rocks in our solar system’s outer asteroid belt might contain mineral evidence for a new class of asteroids or long eroded mini-worlds. 

The asteroids, (7472) Kumakiri and (10537) 1991 RY16, were found to contain basalt, a grey-black mineral that forms much of the crust on Earth and the other inner planets.

Basalt has also been found in space rocks shed by Vesta, the third largest object in the asteroid belt, located between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. The presence of basalt is evidence that an object was once large enough to sustain internal heating.

“We need now to observe both objects in the near-infrared range to confirm whether they have a basaltic surface,” said study leader Rene Duffard of the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia in Grenada, Spain. “If they do, we will need to try to work out where they came from and the fate of their parent objects. If they do not, we will have to come up with a new class of asteroid.”  

The finding, made using photometric data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), was presented at annual European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany.

So some asteroids in our Asteroid Belt exhibit signs of being part of a larger body that had internal heating (hot molten core?) at one time. This is an old theory, but now there’s hard evidence to confirm this. But where does this lead us?

It leads us to theorize that the Sumerians might’ve been close to the story of life creation on this world. There’s evidence of ancient planets (Nibiru) that might’ve been ejected from their original Solar Systems. Then entering a younger solar system, colliding with another planet in said Solar System, destroying one, the other almost. Then the resulting asteroids/comets bombarding a young Earth thus seeding it. And oh yeah, an asteroid belt that has a mineral that is only found in rocky planetary crusts that formed from internal heating.

I’m probably off base with this, but think about it. People have been found guilty of murder with less circumstantial evidence than this!

20 responses

  1. I did this for my ol’ buddy UH, who’s been a little down lately.

    Consider your chain “yanked” ol’ pal! LOL! 😉

  2. Chandra Wickramasinghe from Cardiff University, UK, has long argued the case for cometary panspermia, the idea that comets are infected with primitive life forms and delivered life to the early Earth. That would explain why life on Earth arose so quickly after our planet formed around 4.5 billion years ago.

    Yes, Yes, Yes!

    This is how I think human life arrived on earth. Not through evolution and certainly not via creationism but, panspermia.

    I didn’t have a name for it but now I do. Thank you for posting this. I will begin reading.

  3. I also read another article recently that was the opposite, that panspermia couldn’t happen because DNA in outer space couldn’t survive because of radiation. Unfortunately, I can’t find the article again. Hmmm…

    I like to present both side of the story.

    But according to a multitude of articles supporting panspermia, astrobiologists say it’s pretty much a “slam-dunk”.

    But what did I warn about slam-dunks this past week? (paid article)

    These are a few links that came out this past week. It seems to me the push is on for this theory.

    But is it close?

  4. Too much to look out briefly.

    I need to examine each link before weighing in.

  5. Zecharia Sitchen’s theories about Nibiru and Tiamat have been derided quite a bit, but his theories aren’t as far fetched as people make them out to be.

    Although I find it hard to believe biological entities surviving the trip in interstellar space for millions of centuries and then being captured by the gravity well of a younger solar system, the planet itself could survive the trip handily. Except when it entered the Inner System and side-swiped another planet.

    The stellar mechanics I don’t question, just the feasibility of anything biological larger than viruses and microbes surviving the trip.

    But in light of a proposed Moon Base to be used as an archive to “reboot” civilization should a planetary disaster happens to Earth (, it doesn’t seem so incredible that an advanced culture can “archive” itself and reconstitute at a later time, even after millions of years.

  6. Uber Highwayman | Reply

    Awww… you’re thinking of me, are ya, you old softie jarhead? Hey… if you REALLY wanted to make my day, you could have just thrown some gold my way! 😆

    I have no insight into the exact reason the solar system appears to be in ruins, except that which would tend to promote and preserve the theme of my infidel religiosity. I see a solar system uncompleted, for now, until certain issues are ‘fixed.’

    As for seeding, again; there is still an evolutionary process involved for the advancement of the organism. And even if that weren’t necessary for our advancement, what about our alien benefactors? Where did they get seeded (sown) or evolve? And their sowers, etc., etc., etc.? There has to be a beginning, somewhere… even if it IS on the other side of a white hole!

    Methinks people LOVE complexity around here!

  7. Do you find creationism easier to believe? Or, selective evolution of one species over another?

    I don’t find the idea of panspermia difficult to believe. And who is to say the microbes spent millions of years traveling? What if humanity originated on, say Mars? A relatively easy, close and direct flight path. Even Alpha Centauri is only 4.3 light years from earth. If the comet attained 10% of light speed, you’re still only looking at 43 years of travel time to reach terra.

    1. According to Alex Collier all human life originated on Lyra.


  8. UH: The building blocks for life (carbon, silicates, hydrogen, oxygen) are all over the place in the Universe, left over from novas and their resulting nebulas, in a never-ending cycle of death and rebirth. We are all made of star stuff. Even the Universe might be on the same kind of cycle. But that will always be up for philosophical debate until the cows come home.

    Christopher: That was the debate that raged after scientists discovered “fossils” of bacteria found in a meteor that was found to be a piece of Mars. They’re still trying to wriggle out of saying they were Martian microbes. I think they were.

    Panspermia is an old theory, put forth by Fred Hoyle originally. I believe it’s a natural process in the Universe, much like novas, star formations, nebulas, black holes and such. And if it’s the natural way life gets spread throughout the Universe, so be it. Just like dandelion seeds blown on the breeze.

    As for intelligent life, that’s a whole different debate altogether.

  9. Also UH read David Brin’s Uplift series and there you’ll find all the “begats” of intelligent species.

    It’s sci-fi, and the complexity you don’t like is there. But read the series, it’s good. And the idea isn’t as far-fetched as you would think.

  10. “Do you find creationism easier to believe? Or, selective evolution of one species over another?”

    Yup… to the first part of that question. I’m not quite sure what you mean by selective evolution… do you mean by chance, as the evolutionists propose? The word SELECTIVE doesn’t fit into the evolution paradigm, but CHANCE does. The term “selective” implies a conscious action, made by a sentient being. If you want to factor in the ‘chances’ of an organism even SURVIVING after the impossibly remote ‘chance’ of appearing in the first place, the sum of the odds would be beyond astronomical – against life appearing spontaneously, never mind evolving after that!

    If you or anyone can show me why man has such complex emotions like love, hate, jealousy, envy, or even the inbred desire to know his origin and ultimate place in the universe, when none of these serve any capacity or practical use in the promotion of the organism’s existence or survival, I’ll convert. If you can tell me why, to my satisfaction, the very subject of God and faith produces such an emotional response in ANYONE, atheists included, that doesn’t already tell me that we all have some imbued, inborn desire to know our Creator, I’ll convert.

    If you can tell me why the Bible has recorded both the origin and the answer for mankind’s ‘condition’, and all that other sources can produce is philosophical musings and speculation on the matter, but prove to me that is STILL preferable than to acknowledge a superior deity, to my satisfaction, you’ll have a convert.

    Other than that, I’m afraid I shall have to remain an unrepentant sinner, and an infidel.


  11. I wish I could recall all of the information that I read over the years in Christian scientific journals and papers, as well as secular works, that easily debunks the socialist-inspired theory of evolution, but I have a hard enough time recalling the events of an hour ago! You may think my conclusions a flippant one, but I assure you all it has been a long and arduous process for this old highwayman to reach the spot he’s at, now. Just picking up a book, nowadays, inspires me to fall asleep!

    One thing I have noticed, over the years, is that so-called ‘science’ has always been striving to keep up with theology – trying this theory and then that one – reminiscent of a pack of hyenas trying to bring down a zebra, with a nip here, a bite there, etc., with the goal of eventually destroying it. It’s even become a vendetta of sorts, for some! Prove God a myth at all costs! And they say Christians are antagonistic! Not from my view! I say this as one who has battled many an ultra-conservative “Bible-thumper” in his day! It’s a personal thing, and that convinces me all the more that I’m on the right track.

    You’ve probably heard the phrase: “Methinks thou dost protest too much?” No… this is a personal thing, and far too controversial without there being some substance to it all somewhere deep within our being or our history. I’m sure of it.

  12. Other than that, I’m afraid I shall have to remain an unrepentant sinner, and an infidel.

    I rattled your chain, didn’t I?

    Good, teaches you to know better than to get down on yourself, you ol’ sorry-ass road warrior, winter or no winter.

    And I could care less if you believe in Creation or not, I like a ‘spirited” discussion (ha-ha, I made a funny)! If that’s what you believe, that’s what you believe. Some people would rather believe in panspermia and evolution because there’s physical evidence to point in that direction, despite what others say, seeing is believing.

    If somebody can show me that Earth and the Universe are 6,000 years old and that the speed of light is ficticious, I’ll return to Christianity, if somebody can show me a video of Von Kolvenbach talking with a “spiritual entity’ aka Lucifer, I’ll return to the fold, if somebody will come up with Jesus’s real burial shroud with his imprint that can be carbon-dated to 33 A.D., not 1432 A.D., I’ll repent my heresies and if anybody can prove to me the reason why people of peace like Gandhi, Buddha and the monks of Tibet have to spend eternity in hellfire because they didn’t (or couldn’t)acknowledge a person who was executed 2000 years ago as a deity just because that person said “you can’t be before the Father except through me” and people who were murderers can go to paradise if they accept this being as God, I’ll burn all of my science books, science fiction books and never question anything ever again.

    And yes, this is personal with me too. Because I dared question, I paid for a number of years.

    If anybody can answer, with proof, all of my questions, especially the last one to my satisfication, I’ll repent every one and all.

    Until then, I’ll be the unrepentent sinner, nonbeliever, anarchist and infidel.

    I believe the answer lies somewhere in between, I’m sure of it.

  13. Uber Highwayman | Reply

    “I’ll return to Christianity, if somebody can show me a video of Von Kolvenbach talking with a “spiritual entity’ aka Lucifer, I’ll return to the fold…”

    That could easily be faked. And as for the carbon-dating system, it doesn’t even apply to inorganic substances like rock, and is a disputed form of dating among some scientists who believe it is impossible to accurately date anything with all of the ambient radioactivity in the environment – solar included – by that method.

    See where I’m going with this? For every punch there is a counter-punch… it goes nowhere. There is no “proof”, ultimately, for any argument, even mine. That was the hardest thing I had to deal with. I still see my “brethren” out there trying to ‘convert’ people to their way of thinking. When the inevitable happens, they become discouraged.

    The Bible itself has the answer to this dilemma, in 1 Corinthians 2:14, which basically says that spiritual things cannot be comprehended unless revealed by God, Himself. I flattered myself once that I came to my conversion via a logical process… it doesn’t happen that way!

    The evidence is there, but choice is the primary factor in determining what we will believe. For some, it is preferable to believe in man’s accomplishments, and to have faith in them. Others, like myself, see that man will never get it right, and life’s experience has shown me that. In fact, if the evolutionist’s protracted view of man’s history were right, then that is even MORE proof man will never get it right, and is an idiot when it comes to getting it right, given the alternative; only 6000 years from the creationist viewpoint. If the latter were true, there might be an effective argument for man in sorting out his problems, by virtue of the fact he hasn’t had much time, comparatively speaking, to do it.

    I’ll admit that I don’t have the quality you have for searching out ‘facts’ in various places, anymore, and comprising long lists of links, and there are two excuses for that: One… I’m even lazier than you are, and two: I have never seen anything productive (in terms of my being able to provide CONCLUSIVE evidence) ever come of it. I prefer a philosophical approach, and it seems to help keep one from becoming too dogmatic, as we are all prone to be in our humanity.

    You are an ‘unbeliever’ because you choose to be, Marine, and I am what I am because I choose to be. If there is to be any change in either one of us, it will come from either our own conscious acceptance or from an “epiphany” as you term it. I call it God’s Spirit moving. He has that ability, I don’t. But He won’t force an issue, as I might be prone to. He leads us all to a certain point, and then He says to us, here… now YOU decide.

    In short, the evidence for creation is there, if you want it. If not, nothing I say will convince you or anyone else. I’ll keep trying, of course, IF I’m asked, but only because I’ve found it to be a beneficial thing in my life, and potentially life-saving… especially in view of the fact that we face a powerful enemy and his NWO puppets. No one else seems to have a political or scientific answer for the world’s problems, so I’ll stick with what I know.

  14. See, don’t you feel better now?

    I love our discussions, nobody here (home) will argue with me because they think I talk over their heads. Maybe I do. My wife calls me a pompous ass. I probably am.

    I try not to be too dogmatic, although being human, I fail. And I do try to present both sides of the story.

    I remember coming across an article this past week arguing against the panspermia idea because radiation breaks down the DNA too fast, but I’ll be damned if I couldn’t find it again. But I found plenty of support for panspermia. WTF happened? Conspiracy? Science media censorship? I guess I’m agreeing that anything can become a conspiracy and anyone can come up with evidence to support their claims. My Tiamat thread a case in point.

    As for faith being life-saving, yes, I’ve seen that in my oldest daughter. She was bulimic when she was a teenager. Counselors, doctors, health care counselors, you name it couldn’t help this kid. She was bound and determined to kill herself. Until a friend of ours offered to take her to their church. I never interferred. Well, if one believes in miracles, one happened to her, so to speak. She stopped being bulimic, but she always griped about her weight. The main thing was that she stopped being suicidal. That was a blessing in of itself. Now she’s a married adult, torturing a man instead her old daddy. Was it a miracle? She thinks it was, my wife thinks it was and my other daughter thinks it was. I kept to myself what I thought it was, which was hard for me since I like shooting off my big yap. (Yeah, I’m a know-it-all).

    I fancy myself another Thomas Covenant, leper and Unbeliever.

  15. And yes, I’m a mean ol’ Jarhead too! 😎

  16. Uber Highwayman | Reply

    Pompous Ass… I mean, Dad, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself… that’s MY job! 😆

    Your obstinate refusal to acknowledge the blatantly obvious doesn’t bother me, Jarhead, you give me a workout and make me get off my fat ass and work!

    See the cat post on my blog? That’s me! That cat does what I like to do the most… NOTHING. And whenever I get to doing that, someone always wants me do do something!

    I have no problem accepting what happened to your daughter as nothing less than a miracle… but one COULD say she finally found the motivation to help herself through the care and concern of others. See? I can think “out of the box”, compadre! Of course, I don’t know her, or how low she went, so I’ll have to reserve final judgement on that miracle business. At any rate, I’m glad she’s better, and has someone else to torture besides you. I’ll take her place in that department! 😆

  17. Oh yeah, great. Between you and my wife, they’ll be putting me in a rubber room quicker than if they were actually reading my posts! 🙂

    And it does you good to get up off your crusty arse and think, it’s good for ya!

  18. Earth was in the 5th orbit. Then the Reptilians arrived. Since they live in water, they needed a big deep swimming pool, so they blasted Lemuria off the planet which became the asteroid belt. Then they moved the planet earth to the 3rd orbit to get it away from all those asteroids. Then they brought all the water from Mars to the earth; that took 40 days and forty nights and constituted the Great Flood. The Moon is their Great Ark. They put it in a synchronous orbit with the earth. If it wasn’t for the overabundance of water on earth and the absence of water on Mars, I would agree that something smashed into the earth and knocked it out of orbit. Now they live peacefully – secretly in the Mariana trench where they snack on young children.

  19. Gravity doesn’t pull and neither does it push; it’s merely an instruction. Matter is self propelled and obeys the instruction where ever it comes from, natural or artificial. Now you know how the blocks were lifted to build the pyramid. An instruction was sent to the block and it obeyed. The block did the work. The instruction was artificial.

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