Aldous Huxley: Prophet of the NWO?

In 1999, I wrote an essay about hallucinogenic drugs for a health class I was taking during summer school (when I was working toward my associates degree). One of subjects in the paper was when Aldous Huxley experimented with mescaline. He kept a record of his experience and the result was The Doors of Perception. Of course I heard about Brave New World, but it wasn’t required reading in high school, or any of college English classes I had taken. Plus I considered since 1932 when the book was written, it was dated anyway.

But Huxley is but one of many famous British authors from the early 20th Century whose writings  openly advocated the coming of a One World Government and how the population might be controlled because of our violent nature:

“After police quell the riot with Soma vapor, John is arrested and taken to see the regional leader, Mond, who discusses the hedonistic philosophy behind the Utopian World State and how it was in the interest of keeping everyone happy that all strong emotions are erased with Soma and that religion, art, and science be eradicated from public consumption. John, however, argues that Soma is dehumanizing and how life is not worth living without creativity and spirituality… “

Somehow I think if only 28% of Americans can be convinced that G.W. Bu$h talks to God and thusly is God’s chosen leader to the United States, I’d say the NWO’s mind control methods are breaking down.  There’s that pesky 72% that says “Bu$h as God? You gotta be shittin’ me!”

I’d say their technique needs some tweeking. Revolution of the Mind: The Dreams of Aldous Huxley

7 responses

  1. When I read The Doors of Perception, I learned that LSD was the mold that grew on the rye plant.

    No, I didn’t try to eat moldy rye bread for a trip,(it wouldn’t have worked) but I know people who would’ve! 🙂

  2. Aldous Huxley was a prophet and a genius.

    However, his brother, Julian Huxley, was the loose cannon of the family. He was quite a kook and a definite advocate of global government.

    He was also an advocate of Eugenics. Brother Julian saw eugenics as an important tool to remove undesirable variants from the human gene pool.


  3. I was surprised to find that H.G. Wells mentored Huxley at the Fabian Society.

    Julian was a great supporter of eugenics, which has been discredited. But I wonder if our government or others still pursue it under the table?

  4. Kissinger goes a step further and as a member of the Jason Society, believes global population should be reduced by 2/3rds.

    With anti-aging science and stem cells, elites like Kissinger, Poppy and Babs Bush, and European royalty, think they may achieve 150 years of life.

    In a 150 years, without intervention, the population of the earth may reach 20 billion.

  5. It’s a stated goal of the NWO to reduce the world’s population by at least half.

    By war, genocide, starvation, climate change, disease, forced birth control, it doesn’t matter.

    Only they believe they are worthy of technology’s fruits.

  6. I read Huxley in college, but only the little bit i was forced to do…I was more into Gibran and Rilke and planning trips to rescue Africans. But now I see he is required reading.
    Has anyone suggested to the Human Genome Project that they must find the ‘elitist’ gene and destroy it? Y’know, the one that makes someone feel they alone should decide the lives of others? F’n bastards.
    Kissinger? The creepiest man who has ever lived.

  7. Mirthy, your are a true liberal believer! 🙂

    I hope you do make the world a better place.

    Were you ever in the Peace Corps?

    And yes, Kissinger is Dr. Strangelove.(Or is it Strangeglove? I get confused). A Sith Lord like Darth Cheney also.

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